54. Save $50-$100 per month – Discontinue magazine subscriptions you don’t need and cancel unused club memberships

If you want to save money on magazine subscriptions, unused club memberships or health clubs, here are your options:

I decided a while back to discontinue my magazine subscriptions (I spend more time reading articles on the internet anyway) and was amazed by how much money I was spending every year! It really does add up!

Share the newspaper or magazine with family, friends and colleagues so you do not need to buy it all yourselves. Take the turns and trouble to save a few additional bucks.

Check your favorite magazines' Web sites for online offers that may be lower than others you've received.

Read the newspaper at work rather than buying it at home. Read magazines at the library.

Borrow books/CDs/videos from the library (or trade with friends) rather than buying.

Are you paying dues at a club that you never use? Like, for instance, a gym membership or a country club membership? Cancel these unused club memberships, even if you think you might use them again someday – you can always renew the membership at a later date if it turns out that you actually do miss it.

Save money on exercise. Normal = Sign up for an expensive gym membership and never use it.
Why not be extremely abnormal? You can get much cheaper access to a gym AND use it too!! Sign up for a class at a local community college (as little as $35 a semester). Then, use your ID to work out at the community college gym. That is a lot better than the $30-$40 a month most gyms charge.

If you insist on joining a health club try joining for a month or buying a series of single-day passes first to make sure you're going to have the time and discipline to stick with it. Avoid long-term membership contracts.

Get athletic shoes at a discount store like KMart. I read a consumer reports article some time ago that stated there basically isn’t any difference in quality between the $500 athletic shoes and the $10 ones, so why pay more. I saw ladies’ jogging shoes at KMart for $9.99 just the other day.

Also check out idea nr. 90: $$$ >> Make $2,000+ per month – Become an Make-Money-Become-Millionaire consultant!

Also check out idea nr. 134: $$$ >> Save $1,000 per year – Let Trim negotiate your bills

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